Year R
Spring 1
How big is a beast?
Our books and rhymes:
- Lost and found
- The Big Book of Beasts
- The something o'saur
- The Odd Egg
Our PSE:
- building relationships
- taking turns
- begin to understand the feelings of others
- Understanding my own emotions
Our Writing:
- Drawing club
- Listening for sounds
- Forming the letters of the alphabet
- Segmenting and blending the sounds i can hear in a word
- Having my own ideas what to write- think it, say it then write it
Our Maths:
- Counting values to 20
- Place value 0-20
- Ordering numbers 0-20
- shape - circle, triangle, square, rectangle
Our PD:
- using equipment to practice balance, agility and co-ordination
- activities to improve tripod/pincer grips
- Creating a sequence using PE equipment
- Learning to use Wheelie board
- Growing in confidence using the bikes
Our Understanding the world:
- using senses to explore the world around us
- understand that places are special to members of our community
- look at the changing seasons
- describe what they see hear and feel while outside
- Exploring and learning more about the great outdoors through Forest School
Our expressive art and design:
- continue to develop skills in order to use equipment (scissors, glue, staplers, hole punch, tape)
- participate in pretend/imaginary play using resources
- sing simple songs and rhymes together linked to the Christmas performance
- Devleoping our story telling and performing through Helicopter Stories.
Autumn Term 2
Our books and rhymes:
- Gingerbread man
- Humpty Dumpty
- Polly put the kettle on
- There's an Elf in your book
Our PSE:
- building relationships
- taking turns
- begin to understand the feelings of others
Our Writing:
- Name writing
- Drawing club
- Listening for sounds
- Forming the letters of the alphabet
Our Maths:
- Counting values to 10
- Place value 0-10
- Ordering numbers 0-10
- shape - circle, triangle, square, rectangle
Our PD:
- using equipment to practice balance, agility and co-ordination
- activities to improve tripod/pincer grips
Our Understanding the world:
- using senses to explore the world around us
- understand that places are special to members of our community
- look at the changing seasons
- describe what they see hear and feel while outside
Our expressive art and design:
- continue to develop skills in order to use equipment (scissors, glue, staplers, hole punch, tape)
- participate in pretend/imaginary play using resources
- sing simple songs and rhymes together linked to the Christmas performance
Autumn Term 1
All about me
Our books:
- You Choose
- Super Duper You
- We are all Welcome
- Our School is a family
- Can I Play?
- On the way to school
Our PSE:
- learning names
- building new relationships
- taking turns
- begin to understand the feelings of others
Our Writing:
- Name writing
- Created class You choose books
- Conker families
- Leaf names
- mark making- magic spells
Our Maths:
- Counting to 5
- Place value 0-10
- Recognising the number on the spider and drawing the correct amount of legs
- Ordering numbers 0-10
- Recognising and exploring 2D shapes
Our PD:
- using equipment to practice balance, agility and co-ordination
- activities to improve tripod/pincer grips
Our Understanding the world:
- using senses to explore the world around us
- discuss families
- explore how things work through exploratory play
Our expressive art and design:
- learn to use equipment (scissors, glue, staplers, hole punch, tape)
- participate in pretend/imaginary play
- sing simple songs and rhymes together