Well Being
Summer Holidays Fun Activity Diary 2023
New Ways November
October Fun!
List of resources that you may find helpful or of interest
Helpful information from the NHS for children and us grown-ups too!
A booklet designed to give you hints, tips and activities to try so that you move back into school life feeling confident and calm.
Connection activities for children.
Early Years activities
Express Yourself 5 Day Challenge
Well Being Diary - Think about something you can do each day to help you feel happy, relaxed and good about yourself.
Gratitude Jar - This gratitude jar will help children look for the positives in their lives and is strongly linked to being happy.
My Feelings - Helping children monitor their emotions.
Mindfulness Walk - Walking mindfully allows children to connect with the world and feel more grounded.
Mindfulness 5 minute Activities Calendar
Breathing Activities
Grown ups remember to look after yourselves too!
Emotions & Feelings stories



