Year 2
Welcome to Year 2!
2024 - 2025
Spring Term 1
It's Cold Out There!
Some books we are reading:
- The Way Home for Wolf by Rachel Bright
- The Lion Inside by Rachel Bright
- The Whale who Wanted More by Rachel Bright
- The Journey Home by Frann Preston-Gannon
Some writing we will do:
- Character descriptions - using a variety of sentence structures
- Interviews - writing our own questions to interview characters in the story
Some Maths we will learn:
- Addition and subtraction - introducing the idea of bridging through the next 10
- Telling the time to o'clock and half past and introducing finding quarter past and quarter to on a clock face.
- Measuring mass and solving related problems
Topic Learning:
- History - learning about the race to the South Pole and the experiences of explorers through the ages
- Art - northern lights art using silhouettes and observational drawing
- Science - we are continuing our longitudinal study of the weather. We will also be identifying what humans, animals and plants need to survive.
- Computing - We are looking at making music on Purple Mash.
- In RE, we are thinking about the importance of remembering significant events
Autumn Term 2
A Day at the Museum
Some books we are reading:
- Lost in the toy museum by David Lucas
- Toys in space by Mini Grey
- The bear under the stairs by Hannah Cooper
Some writing we will do:
- Instructions - How to play Hide and Seek
- Non chronological report
Some Maths we will learn:
- Money - solving problems with addition and subtraction.
- Multiplication - counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
- 2D and 3D shapes
- Fractions of shapes.
Topic Learning:
- History - learning about different toys across a period of time. We will be looking at their similarities and differences. At the end of the term we will be creating our own toy museum.
- DT - we will be making our own roly poly toys.
- Science - we will be looking at the properties of different materials. We will be continuing our longitudinal study about the weather.
- Computing - We are looking at coding. We will be looking at making algorithms on Purple Mash.
- In RE, we are looking at angels
Autumn Term 1
The Great Outdoors
Some books we are reading:
- A River by Marc Martin
- Little Red Riding Hood
- The Deep Dark Wood
- Where the Wild Things Are
- Tidy by Emily Gravett
Some writing we will do:
- Letters - a letter of forgiveness written in role as Badger in the book - Tidy
- Posters - to encourage others to put rubbish in the bin
- Their own story - using Little Red Riding Hood and The Deep Dark Wood as inspiration for their own ideas
- Their own story - based on the same structure of A River
Some Maths we will learn:
- Number and place value - numbers up to 100 and beyond - one more and one less - greater than and less than - putting numbers in order
- Addition and subtraction - number bonds to 10, number bonds to 20, adding 3 one-digit numbers, subtraction using bonds to 10 and bonds to 20.
- Measuring length and height using cm and m.
Topic Learning:
- Litter picking - How much rubbish is there on our school grounds? Thank you to the council for lending us litter pickers!
- Trip to Rooksbury Mill to do pond dipping and learn about rivers. Thank you to Wessex River Trust for supporting our learning.
- Collage using Eric Carle and Matisse as inspiration.
- Learning about different habitats in science. Knowing the different plants and animals that live in habitats to which they are suited.
- Minibeast music - learning chants and creating patterns using untuned instruments.
- Creating maps and plans of the school and the local area - noticing physical and human features.
- Learning about Harvest and Shabbat in RE lessons.
- Creating pictures of trees in computing - using art programs on Purple Mash.
Poems we will read:
October's Party by George Cooper
Come Little Leaves by George Cooper
A poem we will learn:
Trees by Harry Behn
Trees are the kindest things I know,
They do no harm, they simply grow
And spread a shade for sleepy cows,
And gather birds among their bows.
They give us fruit in leaves above,
And wood to make our houses of,
And leaves to burn on Halloween
And in the Spring new buds of green.