Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
About the Governing Body
All maintained schools are required to have a governing body. The governing body have three main duties.
• To ensure the clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
• Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and
• Ensuring the sound, proper and effective use of the school’s financial resources.
The membership of the governing body is drawn from the stakeholders of the school, including staff, parents and the local community. There are several categories of governor:-
• Headteacher – The head automatically has a position on the governing body.
• Staff Governor – A member of staff elected by the staff to bring a staff perspective.
• Parent governors – Parents of pupils who bring a parents’ perspective.
• Local Authority Governor – A governor who will bring a perspective of the local authority. • Co-Opted Governor – Governors who have relevant skills to the governing body, can be from the local community, parents or staff. (Staff members cannot make up more than one third of the governing body)
• Associate Members – Individuals who have skills or experience that they can contribute to the governing body. There are certain matters which by statute they cannot vote on. Other powers are decided by the governing body The structure of the governing body is determined by the Instrument of Governance that is decided by the governing body (subject to some statutory guidelines) and ratified by the local authority. The constitution of the governing body at Anton Infant School is: -
• Headteacher
• 1 x Staff Governor
• 4 x Parent Governors
• 1 x Local Authority governor
• 5 x Co-Opted Governors The governing body has 2 main sub committees that focus on particular areas of the school business.
The Resources & Personnel Committee deal with matters pertaining to the school grounds, scrutinise the school budget and personnel issues. The Curriculum & Strategic Committee focuses on delivery of a balanced and high quality curriculum and the strategic direction of the school. Other sub committees with permanent members are the Pay Committee and the Headteacher’s Performance Management Committee
Anton Infant School Governing Body Membership
Name: Laura Skeates
Governor Category: Headteacher
Appointed By: Governing Body
Date Appointed: 03.01.2023
Length of Term of Office: N/A
End of Current Term of Office: N/A
Governance Roles in any other school: None
Positions of Responsibility: Headteacher
Committee Membership: Resources & Personnel Committee, Curriculum & Strategic Committee
Name: John Honeybun
Governor Category: Parent Governor
Appointed By: Governing Body
Date Appointed: 22.03.2022
Length of Term of Office: 4 Years
End of Current Term of Office: 21.03.2026
Governance Roles in any other school: None
Positions of Responsibility: Chair of Governors
Committee Membership: Resources & Personnel, Health & Safety.
Name: Lisa Newman
Governor Category Parent Governor
Appointed By: Governing Body
Date Appointed: 22.03.2022
Length of Term of Office: 4 Years
End of Current Term of Office: 21.03.2026
Governance Roles in any other school: None
Positions of Responsibility: Vice Chair
Committee Membership: Curriculum & Strategic Committee, Pay Committee
Name: Alan Phipps
Governor Category Co-Opted
Appointed By: Governing Body
Date Appointed: 22.03.2022
Length of Term of Office: 4 Years
End of Current Term of Office: 21.03.2026
Governance Roles in any other school: None
Positions of Responsibility: SEND Governor
Committee Membership Curriculum & Strategic Committee (Chair), Headteacher Performance Management Committee
Name: Julie Pring
Governor Category Clerk of Governors
Appointed By: Governing Body
Date Appointed: 01.09.2022
Length of Term of Office: 4 Years
End of Current Term of Office: 31.08.2026
Governance Roles in any other school: None
Positions of Responsibility: Clerk
Committee Membership None
Name: Hayley Spencer
Governor Category Staff
Appointed By: Governing Body
Date Appointed: 28.09.2021
Length of Term of Office: 4 years
End of Current Term of Office: 27.09.2025
Governance Roles in any other school: None
Positions of Responsibility: Staff
Committee Membership Curriculum & Strategic Committee
Name: Adrian Wise
Governor Category Co-Opted
Appointed By: Governing Body
Date Appointed: 22.03.2022
Length of Term of Office: 4 Years
End of Current Term of Office: 21.03.2026
Governance Roles in any other school: None
Positions of Responsibility: Development & Training Governor
Committee Membership Resource & Personnel (Chair). Headteacher Performance Management Committee
Name: Kylie Foyle
Governor Category: Parent Governor
Appointed By: Governing Body
Date Appointed: 07.02.2023
Length of Term of Office: 4 Years
End of Current Term of Office: 06.02.2027
Governance Roles in any other school: None
Positions of Responsibility: SEND
Committee Membership Resource & Personnel, Pay Committee
Name: Nick Braxton
Governor Category Parent Governor
Appointed By: Governing Body
Date Appointed: 26/09/23
Length of Term of Office: 4 Years
End of Current Term of Office: 25/09/27
Governance Roles in any other school: None
Positions of Responsibility: None
Committee Membership Curriculum & Strategic Committee, Headteacher Performance Management Committee
Name: Natasha Johnson
Governor Category Co-Opted Governor
Appointed By: Governing Body
Date Appointed: 02/09/24
Length of Term of Office: 4 Years
End of Current Term of Office: 01/09/28
Governance Roles in any other school: None
Positions of Responsibility: Deputy Headteacher, SENDCO
Committee Membership Curriculum & Strategic Committee
Name: Madeleine Killacky
Governor Category Co-Opted
Appointed By: Governing Body
Date Appointed: 17.09.2024
Length of Term of Office: 4 Years
End of Current Term of Office: 16.09.2028
Governance Roles in any other school: None
Positions of Responsibility:
Committee Membership
Governors who have left in the last 12 months
Name: Sean Pedrosa
Governor Category Parent Governor
Appointed By: Governing Body
Date Appointed: 30/01/24
Length of Term of Office: 4 Years
End of Current Term of Office: 04/09/24
Governance Roles in any other school: None
Positions of Responsibility: None
Committee Membership Resource & Personnel , Pay Committee
Name: Faye Mckernan
Governor Category Parent Governor
Appointed By: Governing Body
Date Appointed: 14.11.2018
Length of Term of Office: 4 Years
End of Current Term of Office: 13.11.2026
Governance Roles in any other school: None
Positions of Responsibility: None
Committee Membership Curriculum & Strategic Committee (Chair). Headteacher Performance Management.
Name: Yvonne Meek
Governor Category Co-Opted
Appointed By: Governing Body
Date Appointed: 07.02.2023
Length of Term of Office: 4 Years
End of Current Term of Office: 06.02.2027
Governance Roles in any other school: None
Positions of Responsibility: Safeguarding Governor
Committee Membership Curriculum & Strategic Committee
Committee Membership Resource & Personnel Committee, Curriculum & Strategic Committee
Name: Toni Pagett
Governor Category Co-Opted
Appointed By: Governing Body
Date Appointed: 24.03.2023
Length of Term of Office: 4 Years
End of Current Term of Office: 27.02.2024
Governance Roles in any other school: None
Positions of Responsibility: Deputy Headteacher, SENDCO
Committee Membership Curriculum & Strategic Committee, Resources & Personnel
Name: Debra Watts
Governor Category: LA Governor
Appointed By: Governing Body
Date Appointed: 25.03.2019
Length of Term of Office: 4 Years
End of Current Term of Office: 26.03.2024
Governance Roles in any other school: None
Positions of Responsibility: Safeguarding Governor
Committee Membership: Resources & Personnel Committee, Curriculum & Strategic Committee, Forum Rep, Safeguarding