Year 1
Spring 1 - Space: Do you need wings to fly?
Some books we are exploring:
What ever next.
How to catch a star.
Some English work we will be practising:
Writing sentences including a Capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop.
Orally rehearsing the sentences we want to write.
Using our 40+ phonemes to spell words.
Write our year 1 common exception words correctly.
Become familiar with known stories and rhymes.
Some maths we will be developing:
Finding half of a shape
Addition and Subtraction using number lines
Number bonds to 10/20
Tell the time to the hour and half the hour
Counting in 2's and 10's
Some of our topic learning:
Will be exploring the famous Artist: Vincent Van Gogh.
Will explore materials: We will find the best materials suitable to make a rocket and a star catching machine.
We will be mastering logging on to purple mash, we will explore the different apps on this system. We will also explore pictograms and how these are used to collect data.
We will explore Neil Armstrong, Tim Peake's and Mae Jemison
Autumn Term 2 - Is it real or is it fantasy?
Some books we are exploring:
The Three Little Pigs
Jack and the Beanstalk
Hansel and Gretal
Some english work we will be practicing:
Writing sentences including a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop.
Orally rehearsing the sentences we want to write.
Using taught sounds to spell words
Write known common exception words correctly.
Become familiar with knnown stories and rhymes.
Some maths we will be developing:
Counting in 1's and 10's, using coins to support.
Partioning numbers to 10.
Addition and subtraction using numbers we are secure with.
Begin to see the relationship between addition and subtraction.
To practice our number formation.
Some of our topic learning:
Art will be spent introducing our very own sketch books where we will look at watercolour and the work of Claude Monet.
Our science focus is materials and their properties.
We will be continuing to develop out confidence with logging in. We will also be beginning our Purple Mash unit of 'grouping and sorting'.
Autumn Term 1 - Can anyone be a Superhero?
Some books we are exploring:
Supertato vs Evil Pea
The Mean Green Time Machine
Some writing we will be practicing:
Labelling Supertato
Writing simple sentences about our own supertatos
Exploring simple noun phrases
Using a capital letter and a full stop
Remembering to include finger spaces
Some maths we will be developing:
Number order
More and less
Counting up to 20 and then 50
Counting up in tens
Subtraction and addition
Topic learning:
We will have a hero dress up day (either fictional or real life)
Romeo the therapy dog visit
Our science will involve naming parts of the human body and exploring our senses
In history we will look at real life heroes including - Florence Nightingale and Amelia Earhart
Through art we are hoping to create a colour wash background with a superhero silhouette scene
Exploring the internet safely:
We will begin using Purple Mash and will be working on independently logging on using our own usernames and passwords.